Every other Wednesday from 4 to 5'o clock on Radio Helsinki 92,6







Do you know the famous Rock and Pop artists of your country? Yes indeed!

But do you also know who the most famous artists in other European countries are? Do you know whose music in the individual European countries is played?

The program „Sterne von Europa“ broadcasts popular Rock and Pop music of all European countries.
Each broadcast focuses on a different country and plays the music which is popular there.With artists who grew up in this country and make music in their native language.

„Sterne von Europa“  will show you how versatile Europe can be with their shared love to music.

Every other Wednesday from 4 to 5o´clock in the afternoon “Sterne von Europa” will be on air. Broadcast on Radio Helsinki 92,6 or live in the internet.
If you missed one program just download it here
                                                      ! Next program August 13, August 27 and September 10 2008 !